What breaks? My heart is the number of little children on their parents' phones because the parents can't stand to have them use their imagination or just have their thoughts. Wander they have to be constantly entertained by the screen.. studies have shown the children need to be bored because that's where imagination is born from! As an educator I have learned this the hard way. It's just breaks my heart .

There's a wonderful time for parents or educators to ask a child what they're thinking about and to start asking open-ended questions.

Yes, we're all guilty of this...

But as adults we can recognize this. I don't think children can properly recognize it because so far that's all they've known .

That is what scares me to death.

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This really breaks our hearts as well. So many times we see children glued to iPads when out to dinner with their families. What ever happened to the days of coloring sheets and playing games while you waited for your food? Or even kids dancing to live music!

It's sad because kids don't realize it's bad- it's up to the parents to set a different example for them. But if those parents themselves are living on autopilot, unaware of their own vices and addictions and brainwashing.... it's impossible for them to set a good example for their children.

Thanks for sharing Sue! We always love hearing from you :)

- Madison

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yeah the cell phone + social media has turned us all into brain dead zombies. Add in some AI and we are doomed. Getting dumber and dumber as we get "smarter".

I even find myself doing what you described, chasing my cell phone for "entertainment". Have to be very intentional and mindful to resist that. And yes children have already been sucked into that constant stimulation addiction. I think staying busy with honest endeavors, such as fitness, gardening, hiking, landscaping, animal husbandry, reading, etc. will help occupy your mind on more worthwhile things.

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"Getting dumber and dumber as we get smarter" - YES! I can't stand AI. I get it- it helps with mundane boring tasks, but it should absolutely not be replacing anything creative or taking away from the social interaction we should be having (like at restaurants for example).

Finding hobbies and ways to detach from your phone and internet are key. If everything continues to become more and more revolved around technology, we are doomed. I've found so much peace in gardening, hiking, and sewing. It keeps me in the flow, creative, present, and away from screens!

Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom :)

- Madison

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